Vision Resources

Distance Learning Tips for your Home Environment

Backdrop:  Place a backdrop screen with a towel or sheet of a solid color (dark color is best) for a good contrast and to block out the background. This works when during any activity they are engaged with.

Background Noise:  When possible reduce the noise in the room so your child can hear his/her teacher or caregiver.

3 dimensional objects:  Give your child 3D objects to explore and look at. Items around the house like fruits and vegetables, cotton balls,

Bold solid colors stand out more than multicolored objects.  Shiny, tinselly material is fun for children to look at.

Movement:  Objects in motion are attractive and interesting for children to look at.  They give them practice tracking or following with their eyes.

Flashlights can light up objects to make them easier to see.

Time to respond:  Give your child time to respond to your questions.  This can be as long as 30 seconds to a minute.  They need time to process what is being asked of them.

Helpful Websites

Paths to Literacy compilation of "Stay-at-Home Activities for Children with VI."  

How to make tactile books

Home-based activities for children with CVI

iPad Apps

Different activities for Sensory, Fine Motor, Gross Motor and Language stimulation